Gamme-Junior Account

Gamme-Junior Account of Coopbank is a savings account designed for children aged 0-14 years.

It is opened in the child’s name, but usually operated by parents and/or guardians until the child is old enough to manage the account by herself/himself. It can also be opened and operated by the children themselves independent of parents/guardians if it is proved that they have an income of their own.

Transactions are supervised/managed by parents/guardians/tutor, and withdrawal requests are handled as agreed by parents. If the parent/guardian who had opened the account becomes incapable of exercising or loses her/his power of guardianship for various reasons, another guardian appointed by the law shall operate the account by producing a legal document, which ascertains her/his guardianship authority.

Birr 100 will be credited to their account by the bank as an incentive when their average six months deposit level reaches Birr 30,000.00 (Thirty Thousand Birr) and above. Birth certificate or any evidentiary document issued by a pertinent government organ shall be presented during account opening.

Additional Features

  • No minimum deposit amount required to open this account.
  • No debit card is issued on this account.
  • Better interest rates than the regular saving rate.
  • Children that have proved to have income of their own and who opened the account by themselves can have access to their deposit account any time they need.


  • It provides seed money for children in their later age,
  • Higher interest rates and other benefits attached to this product.
  • Enables parents to teach saving culture to their children at early age.
  • Encourages building up for future planning.