Discover Our Terms and Tariffs

1 Credit Terms and Tariffs

Economic Sector Loan Type Loan Duration Approved Revised Lending Rate
Export Agriculture export Term Loan 0–12 Months 15
13–24 Months 15.5
25-36 Months 15.75
37-48 Months 16
49-60 Months 16.5
Above 60 Months 17
Other export Term Loan 0–12 Months 15.5
13–24 Months 16
25-36 Months 16.25
37-48 Months 16.5
49-60 Months 17
Above 60 Months 17.5
Import Term Loan 0–12 Months 18.75
13–24 Months 19.75
25-36 Months 20
37-48 Months 20.75
49-60 Months 21
Above 60 Months 21.75
Manufacturing(Non-export) Term Loan 0–12 Months 18
13–24 Months 18.5
25-36 Months 19
37-48 Months 19.5
49-60 Months 19.75
Above 60 Months 21
Domestic Trade Service Term Loan 0–12 Months 18.25
13–24 Months 18.5
25-36 Months 19.25
37-48 Months 19.5
49-60 Months 20
Above 60 Months 21
Buildings, Construction and Real state Term Loan 0–12 Months 19.5
13–24 Months 19.75
25-36 Months 20
37-48 Months 20.25
49-60 Months 21.5
Above 60 Months 22
Machinery Purchase(Industry,Constructions,Factory and Others) Term Loan 0–12 Months 19.5
13–24 Months 19.75
25-36 Months 20
37-48 Months 20.25
49-60 Months 21.5
Above 60 Months 22
Hotel and Tourism Term Loan 0–12 Months 18.5
13–24 Months 18.75
25-36 Months 19.25
37-48 Months 19.75
49-60 Months 20.5
Above 60 Months 21
Agriculture Term Loan 0–12 Months 15
13–24 Months 15.25
25-36 Months 15.5
37-48 Months 15.75
49-60 Months 16
Above 60 Months 17
Transport Service Term Loan 0–12 Months 19
13–24 Months 19.25
25-36 Months 19.75
37-48 Months 15.75
49-60 Months 16
Above 60 Months 17
Health and Education Loan Term Loan 0–12 Months 18.25
13–24 Months 18.5
25-36 Months 18.75
37-48 Months 19
49-60 Months 19.5
Above 60 Months 20
Loan Microfinance Institutions Term Loan 0–12 Months 16
13–24 Months 16.75
25-36 Months 17.5
37-48 Months 18
49-60 Months 18.75
Above 60 Months 19
Three-Star and above Rated and brand Hotels Term Loan 0–12 Months 17.75
13–24 Months 18
25-36 Months 18.25
37-48 Months 18.5
49-60 Months 19
Above 60 Months 19.25
Mining,Energy,and Natural Resource Term Loan 0–12 Months 18.75
13–24 Months 19
25-36 Months 19.25
37-48 Months 19.5
49-60 Months 19.75
Above 60 Months 20.25
Agricultural Machinery Purchase Term Loan 0–12 Months 19
13–24 Months 19.5
25-36 Months 20
37-48 Months 20.25
49-60 Months 20.5
Above 60 Months 20.75
Consumer/Personal Loan(non-Staff) Personal Loan/ Term Loan 0–12 Months 21
13–24 Months 21.5
25-36 Months 20
37-48 Months 21.75
49-60 Months 22
Above 60 Months 22
Overdraft Approve Adjusted Rate
Agriculture Other Sector
Value O/D up to one 16.5 19
Temporary O/D up to three months 20 21
Overdrawl up to one months 20 21
One time facility for good up to 180 days 20
Revolving facility for good up to365 days 21
Advanced Against Import Bills
Up to 90 days 21
Payable Over 90 days 21+3(Default rate)
Over drafts
Export O/D up to one year 17.5
Export Temporary O/D Up to 3months 21
Export Ovedrawl up to one months 21
Pre-shipment 13.5
Advance Against Export bills(Pos shipment)
Up to 3 months 13.5
Economic Sector Loan Type Loan Duration Approved Revised Lending Rate Remark
Export Term Loan(for farmer s and Cooperatives) 0–12 Months 10
13–24 Months 10.25
25-36 Months 10.75
37-48 Months 12.75
49-60 Months 13.25
Above 60 Months 14.75 for Agri SME Customer, additional 1% will added
Overdraft facility Export O/D up to one year 14
Pre-shipment Pre-shipment 10.75
Merchandise Revolving facility Exportable goods up to 365 days 14
Import Term Loan 0–12 Months 16
13–24 Months 16.25
25-36 Months 16.75
37-48 Months 17
49-60 Months 17.25
Above 60 Months 17.75
Overdraft Import O/D up to One year 16
Import temporary O/D up to Three months 17
Advance Against Imports Bills Up to 90 days 18
Merchandise one time facility for import good up to 90 days 16.75
Revolving facility for import good up to 180 days Months 17.5
Revolving facility for import good up to 365days 17.5
goods/merchandise in transit up to 90 days 17.5
Manufacturing(non-staff) Term Loan 0–12 Months 14.5
13–24 Months 15
25-36 Months 15.25
37-48 Months 16
49-60 Months 16.25
Above 60 Months 16.5
Overdraft Manufacturing O/D up to One year 15.25
Manufacturing temporary O/D up to Three months 17
Merchandise one time facility for import good up to 90 days 15.5
Revolving facility for import good up to 180 days Months 15.75
Revolving facility for import good up to 365days 16
goods/merchandise in transit up to 90 days 16.25
Domestic Trade service Term Loan 0–12 Months 14.75
13–24 Months 15.25
25-36 Months 15.5
37-48 Months 16
49-60 Months 16.25
Above 60 Months 16.75
Overdraft DTS O/D up to one years 15.75
Merchandise one time facility for import good up to 90 days 15.5
Revolving facility for import good up to 180 days Months 16
Revolving facility for import good up to 365days 16.75 as per the existing lending rate approved for cooperative customers for the respective loan products and terms +1.5%
Buildings, Construction and Real state Term Loan 0–12 Months 15.75
13–24 Months 16
25-36 Months 16.25
37-48 Months 16.5
49-60 Months 16.75
Above 60 Months 17
Small holder Farmer's Agriculture term loans (Dairy farming loan, Poultry farming loan ,animal fatting loan ,Horticulture Loan, Apiculture Loan, Crop and Coffee production Loan ,and other loans products in the agriculture sector ) Term Loan 0–12 Months 14
13–24 Months 14.5
25-36 Months 15
37-48 Months 15.5
49-60 Months 16
Above 60 Months 16.75 Agri SME Customer, additional 1% will added
Agricultural Mechanizations Loan Term Loan 0–12 Months 15
13–24 Months 15.5
25-36 Months 15.75
37-48 Months 16
49-60 Months 16.25
Above 60 Months 16.75
Agriculture Machinery Purchase Term Loan 0–12 Months 14.5
13–24 Months 15
25-36 Months 15.25
37-48 Months 15.5
49-60 Months 15.75
Above 60 Months 16
Machinery Purchase (industry, construction, factory others ) Term Loan 0–12 Months 16
13–24 Months 16.25
25-36 Months 16.5
37-48 Months 16.75
49-60 Months 17
Above 60 Months 17.75 as per the existing lending rate approved for cooperative customers for the respective loan products and terms +1.5%
Agriculture Term Loan 0–12 Months 13.25
13–24 Months 14.25
25-36 Months 14.5
37-48 Months 14.75
49-60 Months 15
Above 60 Months 15.25
Overdraft Agri O/D up to One year 15
Agri temporary O/D up to Three months 16.5 as per the existing lending rate approved for cooperative customers for the respective loan products and terms +0.75%
Transport Services Term Loan 0–12 Months 15.75
13–24 Months 16
25-36 Months 16.25
37-48 Months 16.5
49-60 Months 16.75
Above 60 Months 16.75
Loan for SACCOs Term Loan 0–12 Months 14.25
13–24 Months 14.5
25-36 Months 14.75
37-48 Months 15
49-60 Months 15.25
Above 60 Months 15.5 as per the existing lending rate approved for cooperative customers for the respective loan products and terms +1.5%
Consumer /personal loan(non-staff) Personal loan/mortgage/ Vehicle 0–12 Months 9.25
13–24 Months 9.25
25-36 Months 9.25
Expectational Cases (Term loan) 37-48 Months 9.25
49-60 Months 9.25
Above 60 Months 9.25 As per tarrif of non-cooperative consumer loan

Foreign Currency Earning/Generating Customer Loans

Loan Type Equity Contribution In FYC% Approved Adjusted lending rate(%) Tenure
Investment project 30 Prevailing saving rate plus 10% 15 years
40 Prevailing saving rate plus 9% 15 years
50 Prevailing saving rate plus 8% 15 years
>50 Prevailing saving rate plus 6.5% 15 years
Working Capital 20 Prevailing saving rate plus 9% 5 years
Loan Type Equity Contribution In FYC% lending rate for equity FCY Equity Contribution LCY(%) Lending rate for Equity LCY Tenure
Mortgage Loan 15 Prevailing saving rate plus 9.5% 40 Prevailing saving rate plus 11% 20 years
20 Prevailing saving rate plus 8.5% 50 Prevailing saving rate plus 10.5% 20 years
30 Prevailing saving rate plus7% 60 Prevailing saving rate plus 9.5% 20 years
40 Prevailing saving rate plus6.5% >70 Prevailing saving rate plus 8% 20 years
>65 Prevailing saving rate plus5% 20 years
Loan Type Equity Contribution In FYC% Lending rate(%) Tenure
Brand New(non commercial ) 30 Prevailing saving rate plus 11% 10 years
40 Prevailing saving rate plus 10.25% 10 years
50 Prevailing saving rate plus 9.75% 10 years
>50 Prevailing saving rate plus 8% 10 years
Brand New commercial 35 Prevailing saving rate plus 10.5% 5 years
45 Prevailing saving rate plus 9.5% 5 years
55 Prevailing saving rate plus 7.75% 5 years
>55 Prevailing saving rate plus 6.5% 5 years
S.N Loan Processing Fees Coopbank Proposed (%) Remark
1 Loan Processing fees
1.1 <1,000,000 5000
1.2 1,000,000>X<5,000,000 10,000
1.3 5,000,001>X<10,000,000 0.20%
1.4 10,000,001>X<20,000,000 0.20%
1.5 >20,000,001 0.20%
2 Appeal Processing fee 75% of the loan processing fee
3 Renewal of existing Credit Facility limit 50% of the loan processing fee
4 Renegotiation fee(re-financing ,re-scheduling ,re structuring roll over and modification Loan processing fee
5 Renegotiation fee Loan processing fee
6 Extension of temporary O/D or over draw Guarantee Loan processing fee only Applicable for first time extension
9 Collateral release per title deed or LHC 5000
10 Collateral release with replacement 5000
11 Transfer of Loan file(excluding stuff) 3500
12 Cancellation/suspension of the foreclosure decision 5000
13 Insurance premium payment change 9%insurance premium
14 Each time merchandise is pledged(for merchandise loan) 5000
15 Each time merchandise is released(for merchandise loan) 5000
16 movable collateral registration fee 1000 per collateral
17 Collateral Registration fee 300 ETB for each registration per contract
18 Penalty fee on special Mention loan 2% per month installment amount min 1000
19 Credit information inquiry/per inquiry if ≤ETB100,000=free if ETB 100,001-1,000,000=ETB 1,500 if > ETB 1,000,001=ETB= 2,500
20 Every settlement fee 4% of the remaining outstanding loan excluding loans cooperatives and farmers if the outstanding loan is less than 100,000ETB is not applicable
21 NPL penalty Fees 3%
22 Confirmation fees Guarantees issued 1000ETB
23 fees for issuance of any letter of undertaking/commitment in respect to loan balance disclosure and other related to loans and advance 1000ETB
24 Guarantee Extension/amendment fee 20,000ETB Applicable for collateral and clean base
S.N Type of Collateral Coopbank Approved
1.1 Residential building (villa) per building ETB 1200+ ETB 600 for each unit
1.2 Residential building with more than one floor 1500ETB+ 600 ETB for each additional unit/1,700ETB+600ETB for each additional unit for under construction
2.1 Villa per building 1200ETB+600ETB for each unit
2.2 Building more than or equal to one floor 1,800ETB+ 600 ETB for each additional unit/2,300ETB+600ETB for each additional unit for under construction
2.3 Hotel and Guest house 1,800ETB+ 600 ETB for each additional unit/2,300ETB+600ETB for each additional unit for under construction
3.1 Villa per building ETB1000+ETB600 for each unit
3.2 Building more than or equal to one floor 1,800ETB+ 600 ETB for each additional unit/2,300ETB+600ETB for each additional unit for under construction
3.3 Store/Warehouse ETB2500+ ETB600 for each unit
3.4 Store/Warehouse with more than or equal to one floor /with more than 6 meters ETB2800+ETB600 for each floor
3.5 Coffee Site/farm ETB5,000
3.6 Fuel Station ETB 3200 per fuel station
3.7 Other building ETB600 per unit
3.8 Flower farm ETB5000_+(Building estimation fee shall be per one of the Above rates depending on the type of building )
3.9 Motor Vehicle 2500/per vehicle
3.10 Factory Machinery 3000
3.12 Construction Machinery and equipment 3000
3.13 Coffee Huling and Washing Station ETB5000_+(Building estimation fee shall be per one of the Above rates depending on the type of building )
3.14 Progress Evalution ETB2500 per request
Type of Service Approved Adjusted Rate
Additiona account linking fee Free
Balance Inquiry 0.5
Mini Statement on-us 0.5
Cash Withdrawal on-us 0.45
Cash Withdrawal off-us 0.5
Cardless Withdrawal(if applicable) 0.45
Cardless Deposit(if Applicable) free
Fund transfer(if applicable) 5
Fund transfer(if applicable) 5
Cash Deposit fee(Card) free
Card issuance fee(joining fee) 100
Card replacement fee 100
ATM issuance/re-print fee/ PIN Replacement free
Annual Subscription fee 5
Additional Card link 100
Card Expiry date 5

     Free Services

  • Account-to-Account Transfers (on Coopbank accounts)
  • Bank to Wallet & Wallet to Bank Transfers
  • Bill Payments (School Fees, Water, Ethio Telecom, DSTV, and more)
  • Cash Deposits & Withdrawals at Agents
  • Merchant Payments (on us)
  • Balance Inquiries & Statements

      Other Bank Transfers – As Per Et-Switch Rates

  • Less than 5,000 ETB – 0.40%
  • 5,001 – 25,000 ETB – 0.24%
  • 25,001 – 100,000 ETB – 0.16%
  • 100,001 – 1,000,000 ETB – 0.08%
  • Above 1,000,000 ETB – 0.04%