Filannoo Kaadhimamtoota Miseensota Boordii Daayiraktarootaa (kan fooyya’e)

Filannoo Kaadhimamtoota Miseensota Boordii Daayiraktarootaa (kan fooyya'e)

የተሻሻለው የቦርድ ሹመት እና የምርጫ የውስጥ ደንብ

የተሻሻለው የቦርድ ሹመት እና የምርጫ የውስጥ ደንብ 2023

Coopbank Launches Michu 2.0: Transforming Digital Lending

Finfinne, September 14, 2023- Cooperative Bank of Oromia proudly announces the launch of Michu an advanced digital lending platform introducing innovative products, Michu Guyyaa and Michu Wabii.…

Haasa’a qabattan osoo addaan hin kutin dhimma faayinaansii keessanii kan isiniif si’eessu, Koop-Chaappaagiraamiin isin qaqqabeera.

Tapha eegaltan addaan kuttanii maallaqa namaaf erguuf appilikeeshiniiwwan adda adda keessa seenuun hafeera, maaltu isin rakkise! Baankiin Hojii Gamtaa Oromiyaa bifa tajaajila baankii jijjiiree,…

ወግዎን እያወጉ የፋይናንስ ጉዳዮችዎን ለማንጎዳጎድ ይችሉ ዘንድ ኮፕ ቻፓግራም ከተፍ አለልዎት

የወጉና የባንኩ አውድ ተዋህዶ በመተግበሪያዎች መሀል አይዋልሉም፤ ምን በወጣዎ! የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ  ኮፕ-ቻፓግራምን ሥራ ላይ በማዋል የባንክ አገልግሎት አሰጣጥን መልክ በማስቀየር ቀዳሚ ሆኗል። ይህ አዲስና ከፍተኛ ለውጥን ያስከተለ ስልት የባንክ አገልግሎትን ወደፊት የሚያስገሰግስ ነው። እስቲ ያስቡት -…

Coopbank Introduces Coop-Chapagram: A New Digital Financial Service

August 15, 2023 Coopbank, a pioneer in digital financial solutions, proudly announces the launch of its latest innovation, Coop-Chapagram, in partnership with Chapa, a leading financial technology…

Kooppeey I-birri: – Boba’aa guuttachuuf sirna kaffaltii dijitaalawaa dorgomaa hin qabne

Addunyaan dijitaalawaa ta’aa dhufuun industiriiwwan baay’een sirna kaffaltii fayyadama maallaqa callaa irraa bilisa ta’eetti akka ce’an dirqisiisanii jiru. Tooftaan kaffaltii dijitaalawaa…

Coopay-Ebirr: The Ultimate Digital Payment Platform for Fuel Purchases

As the world becomes increasingly digital, more and more industries are shifting towards cashless payments. With digital platforms, customers can pay for their fuel purchases without the need for…