Day: September 19, 2020

The bank expands IFB service from window-based to branches

Coopbank is currently increasing its number of Interest Free Banking branches to more than 13.

Since the country is home to a large number of Muslims, they are not are not interested in using common banking services for it’s not in line with the rules of their faith. With this in mind, the bank is opening Interest-Free Banking branches in various cities of the country.
Acquiring an adequate experience from different parts of the world, public and private banks in the country are providing this service to meet the needs of their customers. Likewise, Coopbank is also increasing its number of branches which was only available through one window previously.
The expansion of the branches will help to provide affordable service and satisfaction to its customers.
In addition, to meet the needs of its customers, it has facilitated the provision of digital banking services based on Sharia law by providing Halal ATM card and Coopay E-birr.
The bank is working hard to achieve its goals and be the pride of its customers.