Coopbank Farm Pass
Coopbank Farm Pass, powered by Mastercard’s renowned Community Pass platform, is a comprehensive ecosystem designed to connect farmers, cooperatives, aggregators, buyers, agricultural service providers, financial institutions, and more. It’s a simple and easy-to-use platform tailored specifically for the agricultural sector, aiming to empower farmers, enhance their productivity, and improve financial inclusion.
Why Choose Coopbank Farm Pass?
Designed to empower rural communities, providing farmers with access to essential services like loans, inputs, and markets.
Coopbank is committed to serving farmers and agricultural communities, ensuring they have the tools and support needed to succeed.
One of the biggest challenges farmers faces is limited access to loans. Farm Pass addresses this by providing easier access to credit and financing.
The platform utilizes modern digital tools to improve efficiency, access to resources, and financial services.
Farm Pass Services
Farmer Data Management
Digitize Cooperatives member Farmers profile and Keep Track of their overall interactions with their cooperative
Buyer Order Management
Buying and Selling made Digital, Efficient and Simpler.
Harvest Projection and Produce Collection
Farm Pass enables cooperatives to estimate yields and digitize produce collection, even offline.
Input Demand Aggregation
Using this platform farmers can submit their input needs.
Digital Payment
This Platform Supports a fast and secure payment for cooperatives for the payments they make to farmers
and their Unions.
Credit Enablement
Coopbank of Oromia will provide credit to Farmers under cooperatives using this platform based on
their transaction on Farm Pass.
Farm Pass Value for Coopbank
• Drives us towards our purpose
• Taking the lead in digitizing the Farmers
enables Coop to become a big eco-system
• Enables resource mobilization from the mass Community.
• Increase Customer Base.
• Enables us to Provide Access to Loans for
Farmers at scale.
• Counter Liquidity - Digitize Transaction.
Farm Pass
• Strengthen relationship b/n Farmers, Cooperatives and Coopbank.
Farm Pass Value for Cooperatives & Partners
• Gives other Eco-system (Input providers, Agri
MSMEs, Processing factories) access to million
of farmer digitally.
• Digitization of their payments and operations.
• Using Farm Pass Cooperatives can now propose
value to their members, If a member sells
to them he/she has access to credit and inputs
• Generate Revenue by providing services to
their members.
• Traceability and EUDR Compliance issues will be handled.
"Farmers' Voices: How Farm Pass is Transforming Lives"
“Before Farm Pass, selling our products, was difficult. We struggled to find reliable buyers and often didn’t get fair prices. But now, Farm Pass has changed everything. We can easily connect with trusted buyers for all our products, and the transparent market prices help us make better decisions. everything sells faster, and we receive a fair return for our hard work. Many of us have seen a significant increase in income, and we now feel more confident about the future. Farm Pass has made our work easier, more profitable, and has given us a better connection to the market.”