Month: October 2020

Coopbank’s Transitional Head quarter Construction Well in Progress

Construction of Cooperative Bank of Oromia’s transitional headquarter, a 16-story building, which was started in the last fiscal year, is advancing as planned and is assumed to be complete in the coming year.

The transitional headquarters, which is underway around Bole Rwanda, in Addis Ababa(Finfinne) is being built by Chinese Contactor China Wu Yi Co. Ltd and Image consultancy PLC the consultant firm.

At the end of August 2020, the construction of the curtain wall is under progress, air ventilation and fire sprinkler system are also under progress while gypsum work has been completed.

This transitional headquarter building will house its own special branch in its lower floors while the Bank’s Head Office staff populates the upper floors

The bank is making the construction of multi-purpose building project at Waliso and Jimma and will continue constructing own buildings in various parts of the country